Last Revised: October 1, 2023

1. Purpose

RealEstate.Barcelona is owned by RESIDENCIAL PINEDA PARK, S.L., with VAT ID B 60.373.214 and registered office at C/ Freixa 26-28 Bajos 3º, 08021 Barcelona. It is registered in the Commercial Registry of Barcelona with the following details: Volume 26079, Folio 38, Sheet B99460. You can contact us at +34 93 241 11 03 or by email at contact@RealEstate.Barcelona.

Through this LEGAL NOTICE, we regulate access, use, and the relationship between this website (hereinafter, the «Portal») accessible at the Internet address RealEstate.Barcelona and the users of the Portal (hereinafter, «users»). RESIDENCIAL PINEDA PARK, S.L. offers personal shopper real estate services and provides users with the RealEstate.Barcelona website, where they can browse currently available properties for sale. The information provided does not constitute a contractual obligation.

The aim of the site is to assist buyers in finding their ideal property in Barcelona. RESIDENCIAL PINEDA PARK, S.L. is a member of the Spanish Personal Shoppers Association.

2. General Conditions of Use

– Before using any service or accessing the Portal, users must read and accept the conditions of use established herein.

– By using any service of the site, the user acquires the status of a user of the same.

– RESIDENCIAL PINEDA PARK, S.L. reserves the right to modify the conditions of use at any time. It is recommended to review them periodically. In case of non-acceptance, the use of the Portal must be discontinued.

– The Portal offers both free and paid services. The services of the company require prior registration and explicit acceptance of the conditions of use. The company reserves the right to modify the contracting conditions at any time, including terms and economic considerations.

3. Prohibited and Permitted Uses

Any direct or indirect commercial exploitation of the services, as well as the use, transmission, commercialization, or disposal of the information included in our pages or services is strictly prohibited. Non-compliance with this prohibition may constitute an offense punishable by current legislation.

– Establishing links, hyperlinks, or links to the main page of RealEstate.Barcelona is permitted. Any special use or framing must be requested via contact@RealEstate.Barcelona.

– The use of the Portal for purposes other than those envisaged by RESIDENCIAL PINEDA PARK, S.L. is prohibited. The company reserves the right to deny access to services and content in accordance with its Commercial Policy and to withdraw access to our pages from any user who breaches this legal notice.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The RealEstate.Barcelona website, its pages, content, and information are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights, the legitimate owner of which is RESIDENCIAL PINEDA PARK, S.L. We guarantee the legality of the information or elements on our pages. This guarantee does not extend to information or elements whose ownership does not belong to RESIDENCIAL PINEDA PARK, S.L. The user may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or perform any other act on the protected elements without authorization.

5. Exclusion of Warranties and Liability

– We do not guarantee continuous access or the correct display, downloading, or usefulness of the elements and information on the Portal, which may be affected by circumstances beyond our control.

– We are not responsible for the information and other content of third-party websites accessible from RealEstate.Barcelona via links.

– We do not assume responsibility for damages, losses, claims, or expenses caused by various circumstances, including interferences, failures, computer viruses, improper or inadequate use of websites, security or navigation errors, among others.

6. Portal Content

– The information on the Portal is current as of the last update date. We reserve the right to modify the content and elements without prior notice.

– We are not responsible for the lack of updating or completeness of third-party information linked from RealEstate.Barcelona.

– The information provided on the Portal does not constitute legal, financial, or real estate advice. It is recommended to consult with professionals before making decisions based on the Portal’s information.

7. Privacy Policy and Data Protection

The privacy policy and personal data protection are governed by the separate document «Privacy Policy» available on RealEstate.Barcelona.

8. Cookies

The Portal uses cookies to enhance the user experience. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for detailed information on their use and how to manage them.

9. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

This Legal Notice is governed by Spanish law. For any dispute arising in connection with the Portal or the interpretation and application of this legal notice, both parties submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Barcelona.

10. Contact

For any inquiries related to this Legal Notice, you can contact us at the email address contact@RealEstate.Barcelona or by phone at +34 93 241 11 03.

11. Terms Review

Users should periodically review the terms and conditions of the Legal Notice as RESIDENCIAL PINEDA PARK, S.L. reserves the right to modify them at any time.

12. Language and Communication

Communications and notifications between the parties will be conducted in Spanish.


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